Who is Tait Fletcher? Here's the story of the unsung hero who protected Joe Rogan at Hard Rock Hotel

Speaking on his podcast, The Joe Rogan Experience (JRE), Joe Rogan once told a story of a fight he had been in at the Hard Rock hotel. Rogan was with jiu-jitsu coach Eddie Bravo and another friend, Tait Fletcher at a Hard Rock Hotel, when a stranger confronted them. Allegedly, there was some confusion between the stranger and Tait as to who was rightfully occupying the room.

Despite Tait repeatedly telling the man that he was not in the wrong room, he kept pounding on the door. All three (Rogan, Bravo and Fletcher) came out, which is when the stranger started making threats. Rogan responded by telling him that he was making a "tremendous mistake."

The person became aggressive and faced off with Tait Fletcher, and then, according to Rogan:

"Tait grabs him, pulls guard, puts him in a omoplata. (Then) security guard shows up. The security guard was like ‘hey stop, stop.’ And he goes like, ‘Are you Joe Rogan?’ I go ‘Yeah what’s up? how you doing man? Don’t worry.’ I go, ‘He (Tait) is not gonna hurt him.’ I go, ‘He is just gonna strangle him unconscious and put him to sleep.’ "And so, Tait goes, ‘Well, now I guess I have to put him to sleep. So Tate transitions from an omoplata to a rear-naked choke with an omoplata. He puts him to sleep out cold. His friends picked him up, dragged him to an elevator and he disappears."

Watch as Joe Rogan recounts the experience:

Tait Fletcher - Retired MMA fighter and jiu-jitsu black belt holder with 4-2 record in the cage

Given Tait Fletcher's background, it's no surprise he strangled the stranger unconscious. He was an MMA fighter in his prime, and a founding member of the Jackson-Winklejohn team.

Fletcher also took part in The Ultimate Fighter Season 3, although he wasn't very successful. After losing to Josh Haynes, he fought a few times before calling it quits. In his final fight, he lost to Chad Herrick by KO.

After his fighting career, Fletcher transitioned into becoming an actor, as well as an online personality. He can be seen hosting podcasts and recently, has secured a role in the next season of The Mandalorian.

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